The working day of Supply Chain employee Maartje Dijkmans-van Heugten
The supply chain. We use the term so often that we sometimes forget what it actually is. Time to take a look in the day of Maartje van Heugten at Huijbregts Groep. When the department was set up in 2019, she was one of the first employees. So she knows what she's talking about. It's 6.45 am. In Mierlo, Maartje gets into the car. Her workday will start in a quarter of an hour!
Maartje: 'I love that. Starting early. It's still nice and quiet and that's when I'm most productive. Coffee and let's see what the mail brings us.'
Computer, email and phone are the most important tools for Supply Chain employees. How is the stock of raw materials doing, are they all arriving on time and can we execute all orders properly and on time? In other words: how is the chain running within our company?
Maartje: 'A lot comes together in this department. Here you also see that we have to do it all together. If there is a weak link in the chain somewhere, we have a problem. If a raw material is not available, we cannot make a certain mix. And so we cannot deliver that to a customer.
My focus is on incoming goods. At the end of the day, I look at what has not yet arrived and I call or email the supplier about that. Sometimes there is a delay, sometimes a truck is stuck in traffic. That can all happen. It all comes down to good planning, flexibility and good cooperation. We have to make a lot of ad hoc decisions and switch quickly. But that's also what makes the work so much fun.'
Inventory management is important within Huijbregts. You actually want to have just enough of every raw material. Not too much, but certainly not too little.
Maartje: 'With inventory management, it comes down to forward thinking. Some mixes are ordered mainly in winter, others only in summer. And because raw materials sometimes have a lead time of about ten weeks, you have to plan well. Moreover, you are sometimes also taken by surprise by current events. A problem in the Suez Canal? We feel the consequences of that after a while.'
The shipping department calls. A delivery has arrived, but there are tears in a bag of raw material.
Maartje: 'Simple. We can no longer use that bag. We do work with food here, so food safety comes first. Discuss with the supplier, issue a credit note and see if this has immediate consequences for a certain order. No, fortunately not.'
Shortly afterwards, our branch in Spain calls.
Maartje: 'They had a question. There is a young and enthusiastic team there. They call us with questions. Great. I've been there twice myself. It has become a beautiful company.'
The Supply Chain department is looking for reinforcement. Especially for someone who focuses on inventory management.
Maartje: 'We do inventory management in between, but extra help is more than welcome. Who are we looking for? Someone who wants to learn, who wants to work hard but who also enjoys a pleasant work atmosphere. Experience? That's not really necessary. We have our own system here, specially made for Huijbregts. You learn that by working with it. And of course we are here to help you.'
It's almost half past four. End of the workday for Maartje.
Maartje: 'Just one quick look at the inventory and the orders. Not only for this week, but also for next week. Then I'll pick up my son from the daycare and tomorrow I'll work from home. What do I think of the work? I love it. We have a great team and together with the suppliers we make sure that everything keeps running smoothly. What I like about working at Huijbregts is that there is trust. No distrust. We do it together, and that feels good.'