Working on even better products every day

Safe and reliable food is literally a matter of life and death. As a consumer, you want to be sure that the product you buy in the supermarket is safe to eat. And as a producer you want the guarantee that the raw materials used in your products meet the highest quality standards. At Huijbregts, we are therefore concerned with quality every day. Because our powders are processed in numerous food products. How do we ensure quality together? Our QA department explains it in this blog.

At Huijbregts we are known for our high quality, and we want to keep it that way. Every day we work to make our products even better. We do this in many different ways. For example, Helena Hernando Pastor, Maartje Cuppen and Lizan van Rooij work in the QA department. Helena: 'Within our department, we get different questions from customers every day. For example, we notice that more attention is being paid to allergens, but also more questions about quality certifications such as organic, Halal & Kosher. It's up to us to find the answers to those questions.'

Good documentation
'We also record everything very well,' Helena explains. Our software system is aimed at documenting the specifications of the raw materials well, whereby the confidentiality of our customers' recipe is automatically guaranteed.

Because QA is getting more and more questions about any allergens that may be present in products, a lot of attention is paid to this. Throughout the company, we do not process nuts, peanuts, sesame or lupin. In addition, we work in odor-separated, climate-controlled areas so that we exclude cross-contamination as much as possible. Together with our software department, an allergen management system has been set up. This allows us to control our allergens even better in our production environment. Another strength of our system is traceability. Many quality standards prescribe that traceability of a product must be possible within 4 hours. At Huijbregts we can do this in just a few minutes!

Curious how we deal with quality in other departments?
Not only the QA department deals with quality. We deliberately do it all together. For example, there are always multiple checks in the process. So that not just one person, but several people do checks at multiple times.